Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Write Step with R Jeffreys -- Talk Radio -- Live!

Award winning author, poet, book reviewer,
contributing editor and talk show host

Listen to Melissa Studdard interview

Listen to internet radio with The WriteStep with R Jeffreys on Blog Talk Radio

Please join me and my marvelous guest, Melissa Studdard on May 16th at 6:30 pm, EST. Ms Studdard is the author of the bestselling novel "Six Weeks to Yehidah" (winner of The Forward National Literature Award) and the companion journal "My Yehidah." (click here for show link)

She is also a book reviewer at-large for The National Poetry Review, an editorial advisor for Lapis Lazuli Journal (of the Harold Pinter Society of India), and a contributing editor for both Tiferet Journal and The Criterion Journal For Tiferet.

Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Chelsea, Boulevard, Gradiva, The American Book Review, Literal latte, Poets and Writers, Connecticut Review, Dash, The Smoking Poet, and elsewhere.

She also hosts her own Blogtalk radio program Tiferet Talk where she interviews writers and spiritual and religious leaders.

Melissa also holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College


  1. What a great blog. I love the design. Very clean and easy to read.

  2. H!...
    good to see such amaz!ng page l!qe what you had here and l s!ncerely thanx you for accept!ng my fb request..
    Hope n pray for your cont!nues success and more power all of you who are n th!s f!eld.
    God bless you always!!!

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words! I wish you many blessings, in return
    Warmest regards,

  4. Thanks, Michael, I truly appreciate your positive feedback! Wishing you much happiness and success.
    Warmest regards,

  5. Wise words written in perfect order. thankfully, Diane Cadamone - Facebook

  6. Thank you, Diane, you are very kind to say. I'm wishing you much success in all your endeavors.
    Best regards,

  7. I came here from the future in January 20,2012 from facebook. Great article and will try to listen to your show later today. Thanks for the friendship.
    Clarike Bowman-Jahn

  8. Thank you for visiting and your friendship, Clarike. I hope you enjoy my radio show.
    Warmest regards,
    ~ Jeff
